Small Business Productivity Products and Services

CareerBrandVideos™ for Entrepreneurs, Career and Job Search

Written by Andre Palko | Feb 6, 2020 7:44:57 PM

Personal branding videos generate chemistry to help potential customers know, like and trust you. Videos improve your online visibility, differentiate you from competitors and build business growth.

Maybe you’ve thought about using video for your job search, or career, or small business, but you decided it’s not right for you. You may have what you think are very good reasons to steer clear of it:

  • “I don’t look good/professional on camera.”
  • “I’m really nervous in front of a camera.”
  • “Video requires skill that I or my staff doesn’t have.”
  • “Video requires too much time.”
  • “ Video is too expensive.”

Consider this...

Why Smart Entrepreneurs, Job Seekers and Career-Minded People Use Personal Branding Videos for Online Visibility

Small business owners have been using video for several years to promote their brand, products and services. They know about the many benefits of video marketing, including:

  • Videos posted anywhere online rank higher in Google, LinkedIn and other search engines than plain content on a digital page
  • Videos are 10X more likely to be shared than other content
  • YouTube rankings help their Google search results
  • Video conversion rates are higher than other content
  • Videos are one of the best tools to build their brand online

And they bank on facts like these:

  • 93% of marketers say they’ve landed a new customer because of a video posted on social media. (from video maker Animoto):
  • 63% say video ranks #1 or #2 for best return on investment in social media marketing.
  • More than 50% of shoppers say online video helped them decide which product to buy (Google research on YouTube viewership).
  • 80% switch between online search and videos while researching products to buy. (Google)

And a Hubspot survey about video shows:

  • 76% of marketers say video has increased sales and traffic
  • 47% say it reduces support inquiries
  • 81% of people have been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a video
  • 72% of people would rather use video to learn about a product than read about it
  • 85% say they’d like to see MORE video

On the other hand, job seekers and career-minded people have been slow to embrace videos to promote their personal brand and generate chemistry around them as potential employees.

Along with reasons similar to those above for small business owners, some of the many benefits of video for job seekers and career-minded people include:

  • Videos will help you dispel notions that you’re out of date with the new world of work, that you’re not social media savvy – especially if you’re over 50, job hunting and facing age discrimination.
  • Since so few people use videos for job search and career, those who DO use video will truly stand out.

If you need more reassuring, here's what social media for job search expert Hannah Morgan had to say:

"Videos give people a better sense of who you are than your resume and brings your messaging to life. Video puts a face with a name and helps people know you. Using video is one more way to get people to know you and your personal brand, and like and trust you. And they’ll remember your message better too!

The other benefit of adding video to your digital portfolio is that it can improve your visibility online when someone is searching either for your name or information. YouTube is the second most popular site (only Google ranks higher). This means that if you upload a video with the right keywords, including your name, you are likely to show up higher in search results."


Successful Job Search and Career Management are Just Like Running a Small Business

The similarities between the three should not be surprising.

Running and building a business relies heavily on a strong marketing campaign. If you know anything about marketing campaigns, you know that step one is identifying and researching your target audience, so you can build your marketing content around what will resonate with a certain segment of the public.

Smart job seekers and career-minded people take a page out of the same book. They define their personal brand and build their personal marketing content around what will resonate with the kinds of employers they want to work for, now and in the future.

Consider what Tom Peters said more than 20 years ago, when he coined the term “personal branding”:

“We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc.

You’re every bit as much a brand as Nike, Coke, Pepsi, or the Body Shop. Start thinking like your own favorite brand manager. Ask yourself the same question the brand managers at Nike, Coke, Pepsi, or the Body Shop ask themselves: What is it that my product or service does that makes it different? Give yourself the traditional 15-words-or-less contest challenge. Take the time to write down your answer. And then take the time to read it. Several times.

Start by identifying the qualities or characteristics that make you distinctive from your competitors — or your colleagues. What have you done lately — this week — to make yourself stand out? What would your colleagues or your customers say is your greatest and clearest strength? Your most noteworthy (as in, worthy of note) personal trait?”

Clearly, personal branding is critical for our careers. And continuously building online presence via various social media platforms is equally important in today’s digital age and the new world of work. When potential customers and employers search online to source businesses and candidates, you want “Your Name” to land high in search results. Video makes that happen.

Smart entrepreneurs have embraced video to stand out and make an impact with their digital content marketing.

Job seekers and career-minded people need to do the same . . . if they want to stand out and above the competition for coveted jobs.

When your videos contain the right kind of content and visuals, they elevate you as a candidate . . . whether you’re actively job hunting or simply mindful of ongoing healthy career management. And we all know that no job is secure, so you need to perpetually position yourself as a potential good-fit candidate.

Here are some of the kinds of videos businesses have been using:

  • Explainer content
  • Presentations
  • Video blogs (vlogs)
  • Tutorials
  • Webinars
  • Ads and Promotions
  • Testimonials
  • Interviews
  • Live streams

In general, job seekers and career-minded people rarely use these or any videos, although there are some who use video resumes, when they're actively looking for a new job. Unfortunately for them, that's about it.

Video resumes work for some people, but they come with a unique set of problems.

The Case Against Video Resumes for Job Seekers

In video resumes, the candidate appears on camera and outlines details about their skills and experience, sometimes reading directly from their resume. Recruiters and hiring managers assess candidates' presence, personality and presentation skills via the video.

Sounds good, right? They could be, but video resumes have a number of problems. And we feel that they’re not the best way for job seekers to market themselves.

Alison Doyle, the job search expert at The Balance speaks to some of these pitfalls:

"It's easy to miscalculate in a video resume—that is, there's a high risk of the script, filming style, or location being inappropriate.

If you make your video resume yourself and have little filming experience, your video might come across as unprofessional.

Keep in mind that, as with anything on the internet, once your video file is out there, you cannot control how it's shared.

An unprofessional or inappropriate video resume can hinder your chances of getting an interview. In a worst-case scenario, a poorly conceived and executed video resume can knock you out of contention and embarrass you.

Some hiring managers will not even view video resumes since they fear claims of discrimination in the hiring process. So, while a video resume can be a great way to get noticed, consider your options carefully before getting started to ensure that a video resume is the right fit for you, and a good use of your time."

One of the biggest problems with video resumes is that they are VERY job-searchy. If you put a video resume out there, you are unquestionably looking for a job.

Since most people job hunt under cover, a video resume can swiftly "out" your job search. And once you upload the video to some sites, you can’t take it down. You perpetually look like you’re job hunting.

Your Options for Creating Personal Branding Video

You may know about the two common video creation options for those of us who are not very tech savvy:

1) DIY Video Platforms

There are so many do-it-yourself (DIY) video platforms out there to choose from, but most will require at least some knowledge and experience with video and marketing. And some of these platforms offer clunky, unprofessional-looking templates. But most importantly, how much do you really know about what should and should NOT be in a career branding video?

2) Custom-Made Videos by Professional Video Creators

And there are people who will create custom videos for you, from start to finish. But they come at a high cost, especially for good quality custom videos.

For instance, just ONE fully-custom video of 30-45 seconds—from a freelancer who you don’t know—can easily cost you several hundred to several thousand dollars. A quick search for professional video providers on Fiverr showed 4 of the 6 results starting at $300 and going up to $4,300. Multiply that by 3 and it starts to add up.

I can assure you that even at that level, NONE of them will have the career and business expertise that you get with our CareerBrandVideos™  process.

Are you looking for something in between these two options? Something that won’t break the bank, but will still be professionally customized to your unique brand?

That’s where CareerBrandVideos™ step in.

CareerBrandVideos™ is a Powerful Tool to Promote Your Brand and Accelerate Career Opportunities or Build Business Growth

I collaborated with two highly-esteemed and nationally-recognized personal branding, job search and career management experts to create a video program for job search, career professionals and small business owners.

Founder of, Hannah Morgan has been in the careers field for over 15 years. She was just named as one of LinkedIn's Top Voices on Careers and Job Search in 2019.

The Muse and also listed Hannah as a must-follow resource for modern job search.

Hannah became known early on as an expert in social media for job search and career management. She was an early adopter of video for her own personal branding as an entrepreneur and for job seekers.


Founder of and a 25+ year solopreneur, Meg Guiseppi is a personal branding, LinkedIn and executive job search strategist who helps job seekers differentiate their unique value to Land a GREAT-FIT New Gig!™.

She is the Personal Branding with LinkedIn expert at, a Forbes "Best of the Web" for job search and career.

Her career advice has been featured in Forbes, Huffington Post, Fast Company, Inc., Fortune, The Economist, the Wall Street Journal, and many other publications.


I'm André Palko and for my part, I’ve tapped into the nearly 20 years I’ve been creating high-impact videos for small business owners, as well as various entrepreneurial ventures of my own.

In fact, I credit video with being instrumental in helping one of my businesses make it to the Inc. 5000 list of fastest growing companies.

The great video results I witness with others and myself are a prime reason I offer customized videos, video marketing apps and video marketing strategy sessions here at the Small Business Rainmaker™.

Examples of Our CareerBrandVideos™

Before getting into the ins and outs of our product, take a look at what they actually are.

CareerBrandVideos™ come in sets of 3, to cover 3 important personal branding components:

Video 1. Your top area of expertise or subject matter expertise – what you’re most known for and relied on for

Video 2. Your personality – including the work things you’re passionate about and the things about your character that draw people to you

Video 3. Testimonials from people you work with and others who know you best

Below you’ll see examples of these 3 different types of videos that we’ve created for ourselves.

Your CareerBrandVideos™ set of 3 will look just like these examples but will be fully customized with your text and head shot photo.


1) Example of a subject matter expertise video – Andre Palko


2) Example of a personality or personal brand video – Hannah Morgan


3) Example of a testimonial video – Meg Guiseppi

What’s Different about CareerBrandVideos™?

The idea with CareerBrandVideos™ is to focus on personal branding and personal marketing. Job seekers, career-minded people and small business owners alike need to get their personality and humanity into their marketing communications. People prefer hiring and doing business with people they feel they know.

When your videos give a feel for your personality and how you operate in the world, they generate chemistry and differentiate you over and above your competition.

Hannah, Meg and I researched and found minimal resources regarding the use of videos for job search and career – beyond video resumes as noted above – so we knew we were creating a much-needed product.

What People Are Saying About CareerBrandVideos™


"I can't say enough about the team behind this tool! They're extremely knowledgeable, helpful, and customer-focused. I'm very grateful for them, their support, and their excellent CareerBrandVideos tool. This is a simple way to create an effective and engaging online marketing presence. My videos are high-quality and exceeded my expectations.

The process helped me sort the many skills my background represents, and pinpoint and highlight my key strengths. These were distilled into a simple, engaging and effective visual marketing tool that's easy to deploy online. The ebook was/is hugely helpful to me as I've not done anything like this before, and never used video before. I definitely recommend that anyone use this video program."

Robert (Rob) J. Acker, LEED AP, Real Estate (Re)Development Expert, LinkedIn


"The feedback I got from my network about my videos was overwhelmingly positive and the effort on my end was made easier by the process involved. The videos provide another channel for people to view me as a candidate or as a colleague.

They are a concrete example of trying to be innovative by trying something different. They demonstrate some aptitude to leverage up-to-date capabilities, especially important for someone like myself involved in technology.”

Matthew Taylor, Healthcare Technology and Data Executive, LinkedIn


“My videos are professionally done and very high quality. They’re a newer way to share expertise and get something out in front of prospective clients. For me, as a small business owner, they are one component of many. I think job seekers or others who do not want to get in front of camera will benefit. They can supplement this with other career marketing materials.

The worksheet especially helped me understand my value. The testimonial video format works very well as a way to share testimonials. I will highly recommended your product to colleagues and others.”

Jill Marshall Annitto, Leadership and Career Coach, Leadership Adventure Strategies


CareerBrandVideos™ Wins Prestigious Award

Amidst stiff competition, CareerBrandVideos™ won the 2020 Career Innovator Award of the Career Directors International. The biennial award honors career industry leaders for introducing an outstanding new and innovative product for job seekers and/or career professionals.


The Benefits of CareerBrandVideos™

You are NOT on camera and your voice is not used. This is a big bonus for most people.

You are not involved, in any way, in creating the actual videos. Your hands never touch the sometimes overwhelming and baffling technology typically used. You provide us the right information, we do the rest. No need to worry that you're not technically adept enough.

Since CareerBrandVideos™ are designed to be used throughout your career, whether you’re job searching or not, they are not job search-evident. If you need to keep your job search under cover, like most people, these videos will not blatantly “out” you.

The proprietary worksheet you will complete was carefully crafted, based on the proprietary content development worksheets Meg has perfected over her 25+ years as a career professional . . . the worksheets that helped her executive clients differentiate and align their unique value with the needs of their target audience. The worksheet will help you complete the Submission Form, on which we'll base your videos.

Although you’ll need to devote some time to the worksheet, the benefits extend way beyond providing us the information needed to create your videos.

  • The work you put into it will help you better communicate your good-fit qualities for your target audience, when you network or interview for jobs.
  • The results you get from completing the worksheet will serve to build your career or business for years to come.


Once you send us your Submission Form, there’s nothing left for you to do but sit back and relax until you get your 3 videos.

CareerBrandVideos™ are specially crafted to fit a short 40 to 60 second format.

  • Short video formats capture attention in a short attention span world.
  • On social media, a viewer is far more likely to watch a short video through to the end. 5% stop watching after one minute and after two minutes, you lose 60% of viewers.*
  • For business owners, short videos pique interest in your target customer. For job seekers and career professionals, short videos grab the attention of recruiters and corporations on the hunt for top talent.
  • Short videos are memorable and convey a lot of information fast.

With delivery of your 3 videos, you’ll also receive CareerBrandVideos™ - Your Video Promotion Strategy and How-To Guide. It's a simple step-by-step ebook on how and where to use your new videos including:

  • How to set up a YouTube channel to almost immediately boost search engine results for “Your Name”
  • Which social media channels to use
  • How to create your social media marketing campaign
  • Understanding basic SEO


Unlike with DIY video platforms, our considerable combined expertise guides what text goes into your videos. Most people don't know what should and should NOT be in their videos . . . but WE do. We'll only include things in your videos that will positively impact your job search, career or business.

It’s all designed to get you fast results without needing any technical SEO or video skills.

If you can use a computer or smart phone, you can use CareerBrandVideos™ to get found online and remain highly visible in your field of expertise.

How Our CareerBrandVideos™ Work

When you purchase your set of 3 videos, you’ll immediately receive an email with all you need to help you dig deep for personal branding points that will differentiate you and elevate the unique value you offer.

Your CareerBrandVideos™ package includes:

Your CareerBrandVideos™ proprietary worksheet and submission form designed to let us create the perfect branding videos for "You, Inc."

Your CareerBrandVideos™ set of 3 professional, high-resolution videos, ready to post to your social media channels.

1. Your subject matter expertise video

2. Your personality video

3. Your testimonial video (If you don't have testimonials, we'll do 2 expertise videos

Your CareerBrandVideos™ Video Promotion Strategy and How-To Guide. A step-by-step ebook on how and where to use your videos for maximum impact.

Custom thumbnail image (important for YouTube)

Email support – we’ll answer any questions you might have throughout the video creation process


Optional Video Upgrades Available Too

If you want your videos with a bit more customization, we offer two upgrade packages, outlined in the graphic below.

You can read about the optional upgrades in more detail here.

1. Unlimited Email Support - While your videos are in production, you can email us any questions you might have about the process.
2. Phone Call Support - Premium customers are also entitled to one 15-30 minute phone call, if needed, to discuss their video project.


Purchasing Your CareerBrandVideos™

Your total investment is only $395 for a Starter set of 3 custom branding videos. If you want one of the two optional upgrades, simply select it on the checkout page.

You can use these videos to increase your online visibility for years to come.

Once you complete your order, in a few minutes you'll receive a welcome email with instructions and documents for our proprietary video creation process.

Follow the instructions to complete your PDF Video Submission Form (contained in the email.)

It typically takes about 2 weeks to create your set of 3 customized videos. However, once we receive your Video Submission Form we'll give you a more precise delivery date.

Be sure to act today to get in on this opportunity while our launch pricing is low. Boost your online visibility, establish your expertise, and remain top-of-mind with your target audience!

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out the FAQ for CareerBrandVideos™ page.


*Sources for statistics in this article: