Small Business Growth Articles and Marketing Tips for Entrepreneurs

Boost Conversion Rate Optimization With the Right Video

Written by Meg Bliss | Mon, Nov 23, 2020 @ 07:17 PM

Do you know the conversion rate for your e-commerce shop? If you don’t, simply divide your number of sales by the number of visitors to your site. From this you will get the percentage of visitors who make purchases, and that is your conversion rate.

With so many people shopping online, especially these days, how can you make sure people aren’t just browsing your site for information and then moving on? What’s the most effective way to turn casual browsers into committed buyers?

There are plenty of ways to optimize your conversion rate, such as offering coupon codes and free returns, having a fast and efficient website, and harnessing the power of social proof. But one of the most effective ways to turn browsers into buyers is by including video content.

"Customers who view video are up to 144% more likely to add a product to the cart than a consumer who doesn't watch video,” according to Red Stag Fulfillment. “Video will attract more visitors to your e-commerce store. It is also a great way to show the benefits of your products. A great example of using videos to boost online sales is Zappos. The shoe retailer includes videos on many of its product pages. The videos review the specifics of each shoe but, perhaps more importantly, they show someone walking in the shoe.”

Stop and think about it from your perspective as a consumer for a moment. When you want to make a purchase, do you do even a little bit of research before you buy, or do you pull the monetary trigger on the first product you see?

Personally, I read reviews on even something as simple as a t-shirt before I decide which one to buy, and I’m always more comfortable purchasing a product online that provides plenty of high-quality images. (Bonus if I can see a video of the product in action!) Money is a tool, and I want to spend it wisely, not waste it on products that don’t meet my expectations.

The best way you can show a potential customer a product in action without actually being in person is through video.

“Considering that video now appears in 70% of the top 100 search result listings, and that viewers are 64-85% more likely to buy after watching a product video, this is one marketing force you can’t afford to ignore,” writes marketer Sherice Jacob. “The great thing about video is that people vastly prefer watching over reading (just consider the last time you watched the news versus reading a newspaper!). It spans nearly every industry and demographic.”

Consider, too, that even many of our social sharing platforms (such as Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok) are now heavily video-based. No matter what forms of social media your core demographic uses most, chances are good that they are taking in more videos than any other form of content, whether consciously or not. The expectation for good visual content is high.

Feeling a tad skeptical? Consider these compelling statistics on the effectiveness of video for conversion rate optimization:

  • More than half of shoppers say video helps them decide which product to buy.
  • 93% of marketers say a video they’ve posted on social media has been directly responsible for helping them land new customers.
  • 63% say video ranks highest for best return on investment in social media marketing.

Statistics like these, as well as case studies from actual business owners, prove that video marketing is highly effective. It’s a great way to get positive revenue returns with minimal investment.

Ecommerce Conversion Rate Optimization Tips

For more details on boosting your conversion rate optimization and increasing your sales, check out the infographic below.