Small Business Growth Articles and Marketing Tips for Entrepreneurs

Print Marketing: Still a Great Way to Advertise Small Local Business

Written by Staff Writer | Mon, Sep 09, 2019 @ 03:00 PM

Print marketing is still a viable way to market your small business. Why? You are marketing your small company to people in your local area. You need local customers to shop with you or use your services every day.

People who are in the area will come to you on impulse, use your company because they already know your name, or call you in an emergency because they have seen your advertising in the past.

Reasons Why Local Print Marketing Promotions Continue to Work

Consider all the following options when you want to use print marketing instead of focusing on only online marketing or radio ads.

Do People in Your Community Walk About?

Every community has its own traffic flow and traffic patterns. A small business that wants to attract local customers must find the places where people walk to work, walk for pleasure, or even drive by slowly. If you are close to the town square, near downtown, or in a place where there is not a lot of traffic, you can use print advertising to get the attention of people who are close by.

Someone who is walking in your area might see the same sign for your company every day for months at a time. These potential customers cannot help but remember the name of your company. Someone who sits at the same traffic light every day can copy down your name and phone number from the sign, and more enterprising customers might take a picture of your marketing because they want to remember who you are.

Print Marketing Is Wistful

When people see print marketing on the street, they are often transported back to a simpler time when movie posters were colorful, every business used posters for advertising, and local businesses were their only option. You won’t attract every customer just because of this nostalgic feeling, but you will grab the attention of some people who love the fact that you have attractive marketing.

Print Marketing Can Go Anywhere You Want

You can hand out posters with the name of your company that feature amazing artwork, and those posters could end up all over town because customers love the artwork. Be creative, think of your print marketing as a movie poster, and use the beauty of the posters as a way to engender confidence in the customer base.

Print marketing might end up on the bulletin board of your local coffee shop, on every lamppost in town, and even in the slots for playbills at your local theater.

Print Marketing Can Expand

Print market could expand up to the size of a billboard if you think a billboard will help you. When a professional has created print marketing for your company that looks beautiful, those images can be enhanced to fit on a billboard, and you can rent that space to catch the eyes of everyone driving on a major road near your business.

In the same way, you could blow up a copy of your marketing to use as a hanging tapestry that will sit on the side of your building. If you own a machine shop that has a massive ad covering one wall, people cannot help but see it.

Yes, a sign for your business is important. However, a massive work of art that advertises your business might get people to pull into your parking lot.

Print Marketing Can Be Turned Into Digital Marketing

When you have invested in print ads that were created by a professional designer, you can put those very same ads on your website. You will have a cohesive message that is presented to everyone who finds your company.

Someone who sees your billboard or posters around town will realize you are the same company as the website they just found. Want to feel ever-present in the lives of your customers? You cannot do that unless the print ads are strong enough to use in every form of media.

Print Marketing Is Affordable

You can have a design created for your company that looks amazing, and only pay a small fee to have those posters printed thousands of times. If you’re looking for print marketing materials on a budget, you can even have those posters reduced down to the size of a sheet of paper. You can leave some print ads by your register, and you may leave a stack at the local coffee shop or hardware store so that people can pick them up.


Print marketing is a consistent reminder to the community that you are there. Plus, it is a great way to start your marketing efforts for your small business.

Abby Drexler is a contributing writer and media specialist for Coastal Business Supplies. She regularly produces content for a variety of business blogs. You can find her on Twitter @CoastalBusiness.