Small Business Growth Articles and Marketing Tips for Entrepreneurs

Does Your Employee Work Schedule Reflect Ideal Work Hours?

Written by Andre Palko | Fri, Apr 19, 2019 @ 05:47 PM

As small business owners, one of the most productive things we can do is keep our employees happy and productive. It’s no surprise that the hours we work are a significant factor in both productivity and happiness.

So, it makes sense that a review of your company’s work hours should be a regular strategic management task. When you understand what your employees desire in the way of work hours, you can move towards an ideal work schedule.

Yet what we believe about work as a business owner or manager probably might not reflect today’s reality.

- For instance, did you know that 2/3 of respondents prefer to choose their own start and stop times, but only 37% work for companies who allow this.

- 73.5% say they’d work longer hours if it meant they could work fewer days per week. 78% said that a 4-day week is a great idea.

- Nearly 44% said they wish they had summer hours, such as shorter work hours on Fridays. Yet 75.6% said they do not have that option.

Create a Better Work Schedule by Understanding Employee’s Ideal Work Hours

In a survey about ideal work hours conducted by Quill, they sought to find out how respondents feel about different work schedules and when employees feel most productive.

Some other aspects outline in the infographic below include the most productive hours of the day and how that varies with age and gender.

It also includes examples of creative work schedules from KPMG, Amazon, and Viacom as well as the wide-ranging benefits of compressed work schedules.

Of course, the data in this survey is meant to be an incentive for your own creative thinking.

Every business is as unique as its employees, so it pays to survey your staff about their desired work schedules. Start a conversation and get as creative with your work schedule as you do with your marketing and sales.

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