Small Business Growth Articles and Marketing Tips for Entrepreneurs

How Can I Measure Customer Satisfaction in a Useful Way?

Written by Andre Palko | Tue, Jun 11, 2019 @ 03:00 PM

It’s likely there are many ways customers can contact you, particularly if you’re focused on enabling them to do so in ways that are convenient for them. Yet that desire to provide better customer service makes it harder than ever to measure their satisfaction.

Take the internet: Not only can people email you, but you may also have a customer response form on your website. You might have a live chat feature. You may also have traditional methods of correspondence, such as letters, (yes, people still write letters) phone calls, fax, and multiple social media channels.

This means if you have ten ways for clients to contact you, there are ten ways people can lodge disagreements or disgruntlement. And any measurement of customer satisfaction must include all of them.

To ignore one customer contact channel is to skip getting the full picture of what you’re doing right and what you could be fixing.

It’s important to look at response times. It’s important to discover whether or not you turned them into a brand advocate. And there are other factors, too. What are they?

This graphic on how to measure customer satisfaction explains at least eight areas of your customer’s experience that can be measured.

It also includes some simple things you can immediately start doing to increase your customer satisfaction rate.

When you know what you can measure, and you take steps to do so in all your contact channels, you have a formula for successful, actionable measurement. It’s the kind of valuable customer intelligence that can move your customers and your business in the right direction.

How Can I Get Useful Measures of Customer Satisfaction?